.NET Training
Starting with Visual Studio 2012
- The Main() method - where it all begins
- Class in brief
- What is a Method?
- Namespace
- Variables
- Base Classes - Basic
- What is Flow Control and why do we need it?
- Flow Control - Conditional Statements
- Flow Control - Iteration and Jumps
- Operators - Basic
- Scope of a variable
- Constants
- Data Types
- Preprocessor Directives
- Compiling with multiple Main() methods
- Visual Studi 2012 Revisited
- How to debug your code Structures
- How to effectively design and write your own Classes?
- Where to go next?
Applicants can prefer one of the following patterns:
- Duration: 40 hours
- Classes Shifts: Morning/Evening
Part 1: Class in detail
- Data Members
- Function Members
- Access Modifiers
- Data Encapsulation
- Set and Get methods
- Passing parameters by Value
- Passing parameters by Reference
- Using keywords ref, out, and params in methods
- Named Arguments
- Optional Arguments
- Method Overloading
- Properties and Accessors
- Constructors (and Destructors)
- Partial Classes
- Static Class and Static Methods
- Static Constructor, readonly fields
Part 2: Object Oriented Programming
- Implementation Inheritance
- Interface Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- The Object class
- Polymorphism, Virtual Methods
- Abstract Class and Abstract Methods
- Sealed Class
- Exceptions
- Structures Revisited
- Using Constructors
- Inheritance
- Coding Conventions and Guidelines
- Properly Writing Comments
Part 3: Advanced
- Use of operators - checked, unchecked
- Use of operators - as, is, typeof, unsafe, sizeof
- Nullable types and operations
- Null Coalescing operator
- Type Inference
- Anonymous Type
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Data Conversions - Implicit and Explicit
- Four ways to compare objects for equality
- Operator Overloading
- User Defined Casts
- Delegates and Events
Part 4: Writing Windows Forms applications
- What makes Windows Forms application different from Console Application
- Human Computer Interaction
- Slight Diversion: The WinMain() loop
- Class Hierarchy
- Controls
Applicants can prefer one of the following patterns:
- Duration: 50 hours
- Classes shifts: Morning/Evening
Part 1: Data Structures
- Introduction
- Key Interfaces
- Array Class
- Lists
- Queue
- Stack
- Linked List
- Sorted List
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- Bit Arrays
- Trees
- Graphs
- Deciding which data structure to use
- Thinking about performance
Part 2: Managing Files
- File I/O Revisited
- Serialize / Deserialize
- Moving, Copying and Deleting Files
- Collecting Drive Information
- Memory Mapped File
Part 3: Working with XML
- Standards in .NET
- XML I/
Part 4: Instrumentation
- Event Logging
- Tracing
- Perfmon
- Contracts
Part 5: Writing Multi-Threaded Applications
- Asynchronous Delegates
- Thread Class
- Thread Pools
- Tasks
- Race Conditions and Deadlock
- Lock statement
- WaitHandle
- Mutex
- Semaphore
- Timers
Part 6: Reflection and Assemblies
- Custom Attributes
- System.Type
- Assembly Class
- Overview of Assemblies
- Private, Shared, Satellite
- Creating and Loading Assemblies
- Application Domains
- Versioning
- Shared Assemblies
- Strong Names
- Delayed Signing
Part 7: Windows Forms
- Multiple Document Interface
- User Controls
Part 8: Introduction to ASP.NET
- What is ASP.NET?
- ASP.NET Life-cycle explained
- Web Sites vs. Web Applications
- Managing States
- Coding Models
- ASP.NET Web Forms
- ASP.NET Server Controls
Applicants can prefer one of the following patterns:
- Duration: 50 hours
- Classes Shifts Morning/Evening